The Office Christmas Party on a Shoestring

It’s that time of year again! As December approaches, many teams of work colleagues will be donning their festive finery and heading out for the annual Christmas bash!
There’s only one problem we find with Christmas parties – they can come at a price. Often, businesses want to treat employees to thank them for all their hard work and therefore foot the entire bill. On the other hand, if employees are paying between themselves, it may leave some feeling unable to attend due to the other hefty financial commitments at this time of year.
We thought we’d look at some ways to keep costs down and hosting your own Office Christmas Party might be the best decision!

What do you need to make the perfect party?

These are a few ideas we’ve come up with:

  • A venue
  • A theme
  • Food and Drink
  • Music
  • Festive games and entertainment

The Venue

It may seem obvious to point out, but if your workplace is large enough once the tables are cleared to one side, then this could be the perfect shoestring venue to hold a party! If not, you may be able to rent somewhere relatively inexpensively such as a church hall.

There will be plenty of commercial venues waiting to sign you up to a full party inventory including food and drink packages, but these come at a price.


If you are able to hire your own space or use the office, embrace the festivities and decorate yourselves! There are plenty of festive themed items available, right down to the kitchen roll you need for wiping up inevitable spills!


The Theme

Not everybody enjoys dressing up or themed parties, but it doesn’t have to be extreme! From simply suggesting ‘Tackiest Christmas Jumper’, to an extravagant Murder Mystery night, perhaps having a vote will add the required diplomacy to keep everyone happy.


Food and Drink

Possibly the most highly anticipated element of the Christmas party, a good eating and drinking experience is essential. If you’re a small business hosting your own do, why not suggest everybody contributes a little something for a buffet? Or, if you’ve saved money on the venue, consider some outside catering?


If you’re hosting the party in-house, ensure to keep room in the fridge for cool drinks and leftover food, and supplies such as cling film, paper cups, plates and napkins at the ready.


The Music

Well, this is an entirely subjective affair! We won’t tell you which cheesy Christmas tunes to feature at your shoestring party, but to keep everyone happy, perhaps a DJ might come in handy?! Or possibly even some festive karaoke? Perhaps most importantly, try and create a fun, cheerful atmosphere than encourages everyone up on their feet. The choice is all yours…


Games and Entertainment

Is this the time of year you hand out prizes at the annual Award Ceremony? Do you like the sound of a festive-themed pub quiz? You only have to search online for a ready made bank of questions and the leg work is already done! There are plenty of ideas for grown up Christmas games to enjoy too, without busting the budget. Games are great for team building and a spirit of togetherness, so get ‘Googling’ for some top ideas.

And when the party comes to a close, we have everything available for the inevitable clean up! Worth remembering for a quick escape, keep a roll of bin bags handy for all disposables, and the rest, well – it can wait until the morning..
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